KHI marks world kidney day with free health screening at Ampabame Number 2
Kidney Health International has observed this year’s world kidney day with a massive free health screening and public education activity at Ampabame Number 2 in the Atwima Kwawoma district of the Ashanti Region in Ghana.
The event saw massive participation as attendants started gathering at the premise for the screening by 5am.
Two weeks to the program, some volunteers of the KHI in the company of the programs manager visited the community for an intensive educational campaign. Over ten churches in the community were visited prior to the screening day.

Community Involvement
Prior to the program, the assemblyman of the Nkoranza-Ampabame No. 2 Electoral Area, Honorable Frank Appiagyei and his unit committee members got involved in mobilizing people for the program.
Three megaphones were acquired to support information flow. Aside the visit to churches, there was also a house to house visit where community members were educated in their homes about the need to get screened for possible early warning signs of kidney disease.
During the day of the screening, nurses from the CHPS Compound within the community assisted immensely leading to more patronage. Banners were also hanged throughout the community to create visibility.

Health education
During the program Dr Elliot Koranteng Tannor, Director and founder of the Kidney Health International, took some time to educate the teaming crowd about prevention strategies for kidney disease. He touched on certain practices like abuse of pain killers and taking excessive salt, which all have the potential of causing kidney disease.
To prevent kidney disease, Dr Tannor encouraged participants to drink enough water, reduce the intake of salt and then consult their doctors before taking any medication.

The screening
The program began at a few minutes to 8am and ended at 1:30pm. In all 280 people were screened.
Attendants were screened for hypertension, blood sugar, body mass index and uric acid. Their urine samples were also taken for a thorough urine test. Results were taken to one of the 6 medical doctors who were ready to provide consultation. Those who showed signs of some form of kidney disease were referred to the nearest health facility for further medical examinations.

For the world kidney day 2024 event, ROCHE were the title sponsors of the program at Ampabame No. 2.
Other supporting sponsors who helped to make the world kidney day free health screening for the year 2024 a success are Supra Pharma and MDS Lancet.
The Wisconsin University partnered to transport the volunteers to the Ampabame No. 2 community for the event.
On his part, the assemblyman was full of praise for the team for a wonderful job done. He expressed interest in having another of such an event in his community.

In all 29 volunteers took part in the exercise, these were made up of doctors, nurses, staff of the Kidney Specialist Centre, and some volunteers of the Kidney Health International.