why choose
Kidney Health International
- Kidney Health Promotion
- Kidney Health Advocacy
- Kidney Health Education
- Kidney Health Screening
- Training of Health Professionals to promote kidney advocacy.
what we do best
Our Departments
Kidney Health Promotion Department
This department is responsible for health promotion. They are ready to come to your office, home, organization, social media, radio station, television station or health institution to educate all about prevention of kidney disease, hypertension and diabetes mellitus. They are also responsible for the writing and publication of health promotion material such as opinion pieces, educational and health promotional materials.
Kidney Disease Consultancy Department
We provide expert second opinion for patient who have been diagnosed with kidney disease. We aim to ensure that the disease process does not get worse and hence prevent kidney failure. We advise on healthy lifestyle, healthy dietary habits, exercise for optimum management of patients with kidney disease on dialysis and offer solution on the need for kidney transplant when required.
Training Department
This department is responsible for ensuring the training of non-nephrologists increase their knowledge, skill and attitude in the prevention and management of kidney disease in Ghana. We embark on training of health care professional in hospitals, health centres and health post on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of patients to improve outcomes in their health facilities. This department also puts together the educational material for training as well as for public health promotion, peer review articles, opinion pieces together with the health promotion department.
Kidney Health Screening Department
This department is responsible for the organization of health screening for individual, groups and organizations. They conduct free health screening during occasions such as the World Kidney Day, May Measurement Month, World Diabetes Day, etc with sponsorship from individuals and Non-Governmental Organizations and funding agencies as well as organizations who call on them for screening of their staff or clients as part of their corporate social responsibility.
Research, policy and advocacy Department
This department is responsible for clinical and non-clinical research in the prevention and management of kidney disease. It is also responsible for coming up with policies and advocacy in the advancement of kidney disease management at the regional and national level. We help hospitals set up renal management teams and advocate for them to get the relevant resources needed to address challenges in the management of kidney disease in their community.